By 2030 all the necessary energy to the planet could be obtained from renewable
Since 2030 we no longer need fossil fuels and nuclear energy: renewable energy will do the . And 'because according to a study by Mark Delucchi (University of California Davis) and Mark Jacobson (Stanford University) recently published in the journal Energy Policy .
According to scholars today the only limit to this development is the economic policy of various countries. But what it takes to reach this ambitious goal to say the least? The investment is no small thing: it should be installed 4 million wind turbines of 5 megawatts, 90 000 300-megawatt solar power plants and 1.7 billion kilowatt solar photovoltaic panels from 3. In addition to all the installed base, 4% should be represented from hydro and geothermal power between 6% and energy from waves and tides.
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