Monday, January 10, 2011

Gold Bb Gun Desert Eagel

Incentives: The GSE has published a bulletin

In 2009, renewable energy boosted by the GSE with the mechanism of green certificates is equal to about 17 TWh, while the enhanced with the system of tariff-inclusive and stata pari a 630 GWh. I dati sono contenuti nel documento: “Incentivazione delle fonti rinnovabili con i Certificati Verdi e le Tariffe Onnicomprensive. Bollettino aggiornato al 30 giugno 2010” pubblicato sul sito del GSE ( ).

Qualificazione degli impianti
Alla data del 30 giugno 2010 risultano qualificati 3.441 impianti, di cui 2.338 in esercizio (14,6 GW) e 1.103 in progetto (8,2 GW). Tra gli impianti in esercizio di nuova costruzione prevalgono gli idroelettrici in termine di numerosità (601 su 1.647 pari al 36%) e gli eolici in termini di potenza installata (4,4 GW su 7,0 GW, pari al 62%). Tra i progetti di nuova costruzione di cui si attende l’entrata in operation, and wind power plants bioliquids together cover 65% of the total, respectively with 272 and 275 qualified projects, with a power of 2.9 GW and 1.8 GW.

supply and demand of green certificates
In 2009, the quota obligation amounted to 4.55% of the energy produced and imported from conventional sources and subject to mandatory coverage in 2008, led to a demand for 8.5 millions of Green Certificates with size of 1 MWh. On the supply side, the GSE issued for the 2009 production, 17.5 million CV, most of which relate to hydroelectric plants, wind farms and biomass plants and waste. In addition there are 1.1 million CV issued to Energy produced by CHP plants combined with district heating. As provided by law, the GSE has also withdrawn, with the right CV for a total in 2010 to 9.9 million related to the production of CV 2007, 2008 and 2009. Rate

were also positive energy data from the GSE withdrawn through the mechanism of all-inclusive price. During the first six months of 2010, 548 GWh of renewable energy are withdrawn against a total of 630 GWh for the whole of 2009.

parallel with the increase in the number of plants which qualify for incentives , increased even the inspections carried out by the GSE for verification of the legal requirements. At 30 June 2010 of 416 controls carried out on site (about 376 plants and 40 at RES CHP plants combined with district heating), 56 of which only the last six months.

Sheet energy from renewable sources


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