On March 21, taking the new rules if the OAU loses appeal
The hot potato of mediaconciliazione - Keeper of the measure desired by Angelino Alfano, and equally opposed by the Bar Associations - passing, tomorrow, to Judges of the TAR of Lazio, which will determine whether, as claimed by the advocacy organization unit, the new legislation is unlawful founded with the aim of deflating the civil litigation by requiring the court trying the settlement of disputes.
Many areas in which, by law, you will have groped the road in front of the solution to a 'resolver of conflicts'. That is a professional - not necessarily of legal training, also an engineer or surveyor should be good - that, for now, will have specific training and 50 hours that, in future, will have an appropriate degree.
This' problem solving 'must be able to develop the dialogue between the parties and seeking a joint solution that makes giving up the contenders from' make the long judicial process that lasts at least 10 years since the Supreme Court.
currently nearly six million case backlog. Leases, inheritance disputes, contracts, banking and insurance, compensation for damages from medical negligence and libel, loan, rental companies, shareholders of family and real rights: in all these cases, before going to court, we must confront before the conciliator.
And in a year triggered the requirement for condominium disputes and lawsuits for damages from road traffic and by boats. In vain the lawyer had asked the minister to include in the new regulations the obligation for citizens to be assisted by a lawyer. The procedure, still, was not provided and, therefore, remain in the field le barricate degli avvocati che ritengono la mediaconciliazione lesiva del diritto di difesa.
Se la 'creatura' di Alfano funzionerà e si raggiungerà il risultato di abbattere anche solo del 20-30% l'iscrizione di nuove cause, per gli avvocati ci potrebbe essere un calo delle entrate.
Quel che è certo è che domani, gli avvocati si mobiliteranno e saranno presenti davanti agli uffici del Tar di Via Flaminia. Qui si discuterà il ricorso dell'Oua (Organismo unitario dell'avvocatura) redatto dall'avvocato Giorgio Orsoni - sindaco di Venezia - che chiede l'immediata sospensione e il successivo annullamento del regolamento perché "riduce Access to Justice "," lowers the quality of the figure of mediaconciliatore "for the classification of which there is only a three-year university degree, and in the transitional phase only a few hours of training that enable" people immediately without rigorous preparation. "
(From Mondoprofessionisti 8 .3.2011)
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