Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Approved the legislative decree transposing Directive 202020

The President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, has recently signed the Decree implementing Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of renewable sources.
This concludes the last act of the legislative decree transposing Directive 202,020 in the coming days that will be published in the Official Gazette.

"Viewed from the standpoint of solar thermal - said Assolterm - Decree has several positive aspects and we must be satisfied for the fact that many of our comments were received. We appreciate the effort, on the one hand, for simplify the installation of solar thermal systems, which Assolterm years pursuing a tight battle, second, to introduce, finally, an incentive mechanism for renewable heat, which has the double merit of recognizing the equal dignity to heat and electricity and to make the incentive structure and more attractive to the end user. We refer to Article 26, which adds an incentive for the production of thermal energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency measures for small-scale "with the following features: *

aims to ensure a fair return on investment costs and exercise and is commensurate with the production of thermal energy from renewable sources

* the period of entitlement to the incentive may not exceed Ten years from the date of winding-up of

* remains constant throughout the period of law and may take into account the economic value of energy produced

* is assigned by a private contract between the GSE and responsible entity of the system, based on a standard contract.

The article refers to the definition of procedures (values \u200b\u200bof incentives, technical requirements, monitoring, disbursement, etc..), The adoption of decrees within 6 months after entry into force of the Decree. Assolterm is willing even now to give his expert assistance in the DEFINITION of the best criteria to support the solar thermal market so it can grow in the coming years to ensure healthy and sustainable, creating wealth and employment in our country and contribute significantly, and at the lowest cost, to attaining the objectives for 2020. In conclusion, we want to go to express our appreciation for the attention now given to the production of thermal energy from renewable sources, and we hope that we continue in this direction virtuous, giving continuity to the legislation on the promotion of all renewable sources ( thermal and electrical) to support the development of a complete chain of Italian manufacturing, distribution, design and installation of renewable energy. "


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