La circostanza della fine del matrimonio parents is not sufficient to preclude the punishment of a minor scarring threatening the car owner. To say it is a recent ruling of the Supreme Court, No 6970 filed February 23, 2010. Stoats have established that the cognitive faculties of the child, thought to be incapable of sound mind at the time the offense was committed, must be compromised to such an extent that I can not understand the negative value of the fact that he put in place. In this case, the Supreme Court, upholding the conviction against the child, explained that "because a child or adolescent is recognized - under the combined provisions of Articles. 85, 88, 89 and 90 cod. Pen. - Unable to understand e di volere al momento della commissione del reato, è necessario l'accertamento di una infermità di natura ed intensità tali da compromettere, in tutto o in parte i processi cognitivi, valutativi e volitivi del soggetto, eliminando od attenuando grandemente la capacità di percepire il disvalore sociale del fatto e autodeterminarsi autonomamente (...). Specifiche condizioni socio-ambientali e familiari - ha in particolare chiarito la Corte, annullamento la sentenza con rinvio per nuovo giudizio - nelle quali il minore sia eventualmente vissuto, particolarmente dolorose e laceranti, se pure possono aver avuto influenza negativa sul soggetto inficiando le potenzialità di valutazione critica della propria condotta e agevolando il processo psicologico of "self-legitimization" of the crime, they do not by that very fact, compromise the ability of the child to realize the significance of their actions and volition of the same and therefore do not represent a form of mental illness can not be attributed to an opinion legitimizing "(Cass . Rv 31753/2003. 226281 - Cass. 15084/2010 rev 247141 - Cass. 17661/2010 rev 247335). "The acquittal of the child can not be attributed pursuant to art. 98 cp - concluded the second penal section - needs careful justification explaining the reason for the restraint failure.
Louise Foti ( of 03/02/2011)
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