Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Way To Display Hot Wheels On Card

Criminal Appeal: even design objects can be applied to the Penal Code 517

Corte di Cassazione – Sez. III Penale, Sent. 21.2.2011, n.6254

"Gli oggetti di "design", la cui produzione si contraddistingue per la stretta correlazione tra aspetti prettamente industriali e sensibilità artistica dell'autore che ne determinano la originalità e la riconoscibilità da parte dei consumatori, ancorché interessati ad uno specifico commercial, derive from this features their distinctive, which allows the precise identification and therefore guarantee their originality and from a particular manufacturer. "The Supreme Court has elaborated this principle of law, upholding the ruling on appeal , who was sentenced two defendants to the crime under Article 517 of the Penal Code (sale of industrial products with misleading signs).
At the outset, the Supreme Court noted that "the jurisprudence of this Court has long defined The scope of the criminal law provision invoked. In particular, we have had occasion to observe that, for the configuration of the offense, are required for the registration or recognition of a mark, let alone its actual infringement or concrete misled the buyer about your product, but rather the mere ability to mislead the consumer as to the essential characteristics of the product (Section III No. 23819, June 9, 2009 and other prev. conf.) and that the legal protection is not subject to the interest of consumers or that of other producers, but the general statement relating to the order, so that the commissioning sale or circulation of goods with false marks determines, in itself, an actual injury and not merely potential of fair trade (Section III No 2003 January 15, 2008). These principles are also reflected in the location of the crime in the Penal Code of crimes against industry and commerce, unlike those of forgery, alteration or use of trademarks or brands or models and drawings of patents (Article 473 CP) and the introduction state and the market of products with false signs (Article 474 CP) inserted between the crimes against the public trust. "
According to the Supreme Court" certainly should be noted that the crime in question may also occur with reference to the products identified, as in this case, objects of design. " And 'well-known fact that under that name are commonly found artifacts, produced in series, whose element feature can be said identified, mainly in the specific aesthetic, functional and unique features in the design or the specific process and production methods applied. Include, of course, in this type, the articles of furniture specially created by a specific author, although known in the 'context of a small sector which, in this case, that of' furniture. This not only qualifying characteristic was present in the case brought to the attention of the Territorial Court, but was increased by the presence on the specific elements of differentiation, not just style, indicated by the judges of the appeal, such as numbering of the single mass-produced artifact limitata o la sigla con le iniziali dell'autore, elemento, quest'ultimo, che maggiormente può rendere distinguibile l'opera anche per la tipologia del carattere utilizzato e la sua particolare collocazione sull'oggetto. La peculiarità degli oggetti viene peraltro correttamente individuata dalla Corte d'Appello nella circostanza che alcuni tra gli oggetti realizzati dai ricorrenti, già venduti, sono stati riconosciuti dopo la pubblicazione, su una nota rivista di arredamento, di alcune fotografie che li riproducevano indicandoli in didascalia con il solo riferimento al nome dell'autore".

(Da del 7.3.2011)


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