Monday, February 14, 2011

Cellulitis Of The Genitals

We improve the decree on renewables for a country in class A + + +

Within the debate on renewable decree Paolo Ferroli, President Assotermica , focuses on the need to make real energy efficiency using renewable sources and true in certain times, focusing on technologies in which the ' Italy is a leading historian.

"We ask to keep prescribing the use of air conditioning systems and hot water heating using renewable energy resources in renovation of buildings under one thousand square meters, allowing manufacturers to the same type of bonus volume that is given for the construction of work on buildings of larger size. " - Affirms Ferroli - 'E' need to spread at a more gradual introduction of the compulsory rate of systems using renewable energy in new buildings and renovations. "
This would allow an organic evolution of the market. Countries such as France, Germany and the UK who have programmed in a much more gradual transformation of our own market, they have served a great difficulty in meeting the obligations of the introduction of systems even easier than today to be considered by decree for renewable energy the promotion of renewable sources in Italy.

"We propose to retain the requirement for integration of renewable (Air conditioning and hot water production) is equal to 20% by 2013 and 25% in 2015. These objectives should be combined with the requirement currently in place, to introduce systems for the production of hot water from renewable only 50% of its needs by 2013 and to 60% by 2015. " - Paolo Ferroli concludes - "This technological solution is already producing important results in terms of energy efficiency and at the same time grow the industry by promoting technology built directly on the Italian territory."


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