Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Lonely Soul By Raphael Armattoe

SiciliaDomExpò 2009

From 28 April 30, in Samara, Russia, will host the International Exhibition Campionaristica SiciliaDomExpò 2009 (, whose aim is to offer companies the opportunity to make known Sicilian its own characteristics through the exhibition and promotion of products and organizations and business philosophies.

The event, organized by consortia Omnia Events Med and Euro Export , is the first time a comprehensive strategy, aimed at strengthening economic relations between Italy and the Russian Federation, which culminated with the twinning signed in ' October last year between Palermo and Samara.

one hand, Sicilian businesses open their doors to a market-sensitive transposition of quality products as attentive to foreign investment, on the other island activities are substantial opportunity for access to the Russian capital as a financial instrument to enhance and develop their business .

The fair will take place at the "Museum Exhibition Center P. Alabina "sponsored by the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Palermo, the Italian Consulate of the Republic in Samara, the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Italy and several other important government Sicily.

This is a must for companies siciliane che guardano con interesse al mercato russo e dell’est europeo in genere e quelle che prenderanno parte a SiciliaDomExpò avranno la possibilità di scegliere fra tre diverse tipologie di partecipazione: sponsor, partecipazione diretta e rappresentanza, ognuna delle quali con la relativa quota d’iscrizione

Per saperne di più, è possibile contattare i Consorzi Omnia Eventi ed Med Europe Export , che si stanno occupando dell’organizzazione di SiciliaDomExpò 2009 alla seguente e-mail:; Sul web, infine, è online un sito esclusivamente dedicato alla manifestazione:


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