Saturday, February 21, 2009

Clear Mucus Before Menstruation

Ci siamo!

In via Cappuccini already crowded with people this morning, we are currently planning stages of assembling the floats. Almost all the final touches are now, but some are still in the assembly of large pieces. We witness with the photos (click here ).

Today's program includes the departure of the masked parade at 16:00, with the hope that at least this time there are no delays.

Here 's the order of parade Today:
"last resort" of the "The Tribe"
"The history is made" association "And now you will female"
"Zero for Conduct" of the "Aurora 08"
"O sole mio" association "New Art 96"
"Pigs comfortable" association "The new Mona Lisa"
"Once upon a time America" \u200b\u200bof the "Fame"
"A different world" of the "tug"
"Without rebuilt and" association "The new island"
"Alitalia" of the "Archimedes"
"Sorry for the delay "of the" tank crewman by-case basis. "

The arrival in the square is expected around 20 and there will be the performances of two wagons of cat A.

Another highlight is the long-awaited announcement of Facebook Miss Carnival 2009 Sciacca, who will be crowned after the performance of Peppe 'Nnappa. Finally discover who among Kathrine Blo, Giovanna Marchese Toto and Diana will be the queen of this year. Accompanying the three finalists we 'll staff. We wait under the stage!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sony Ericsson G900 Constant Restart Fix

Campagna di sensibilizzazione contro l'abuso di alcol a carnevale

E 'was presented last week by State Police , together with the Municipality Sciacca , the prevention campaign against alcohol abuse in the days of carnival, the main cause of unpleasant facts.
The campaign aims to raise awareness, especially to the young, the risks that we encounter, specifying among other things that also risks a fine of € 102 .
accept the invitation to send out the flyer:

Why Did God Make Facial Hair

Nino Sabella al Babelgum Online Film Festival

is taking place these days, until the month of April, one of the largest virtual film festival, the Babelgum Online Film Festival .

A real event dedicated to film producers independent, participating in their work, they can win exciting prizes. Substantial peculiarities of the festival is the jury, composed of the surfers who want to watch them from home and possibly vote for them. Top Rated will then be submitted for evaluation by the jury president, the renowned director Spike Lee, at the end of April, will award the prizes in the hands of the winners live online.

The event will also attend our director saccense Nino Sabella, with its short Baby Maradona, who has been very successful in the past and what we report is a review by
"Great talents are inevitably destined loneliness. Accursio Maradona, is a small sample capable, with a touch of the ball with a dribble, "rising" But God is also a child who observes the world with a look still pure, and for this reason, not intended to be never believed by adults. "
The soundtrack is the master Antonio Giovanni Bono .

E 'can vote once a day short and up to April 2. To vote you must go to specific (click here) , view the short film (by downloading the player) and then vote.

then takes a few moments of your time to make your contribution to the success of our Nino Sabella. Happy voting!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Poems For Money For 21st Birthdays

Carnevale 1988

Let's dive into the past, namely 1988, one of the golden years of the festival ...

The chariot race

His all broadcasting on

It adds

the puppet theater


The trick is there but

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Lonely Soul By Raphael Armattoe

SiciliaDomExpò 2009

From 28 April 30, in Samara, Russia, will host the International Exhibition Campionaristica SiciliaDomExpò 2009 (, whose aim is to offer companies the opportunity to make known Sicilian its own characteristics through the exhibition and promotion of products and organizations and business philosophies.

The event, organized by consortia Omnia Events Med and Euro Export , is the first time a comprehensive strategy, aimed at strengthening economic relations between Italy and the Russian Federation, which culminated with the twinning signed in ' October last year between Palermo and Samara.

one hand, Sicilian businesses open their doors to a market-sensitive transposition of quality products as attentive to foreign investment, on the other island activities are substantial opportunity for access to the Russian capital as a financial instrument to enhance and develop their business .

The fair will take place at the "Museum Exhibition Center P. Alabina "sponsored by the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Palermo, the Italian Consulate of the Republic in Samara, the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Italy and several other important government Sicily.

This is a must for companies siciliane che guardano con interesse al mercato russo e dell’est europeo in genere e quelle che prenderanno parte a SiciliaDomExpò avranno la possibilità di scegliere fra tre diverse tipologie di partecipazione: sponsor, partecipazione diretta e rappresentanza, ognuna delle quali con la relativa quota d’iscrizione

Per saperne di più, è possibile contattare i Consorzi Omnia Eventi ed Med Europe Export , che si stanno occupando dell’organizzazione di SiciliaDomExpò 2009 alla seguente e-mail:; Sul web, infine, è online un sito esclusivamente dedicato alla manifestazione:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chinese Drywall In Grand Hampton New Tampa

Nuovo spot L'AltraSciacca

Questo nuovo spot riassume le iniziative svolte fino ad ora, anche se l’elenco è ancora più lungo e, contestualmente, vogliamo invitarvi nuovamente a diventare “soci” o “amici” dell’altrasciacca.

- Soci ordinari : coloro che hanno chiesto e ottenuto la qualifica di socio al Consiglio Direttivo. Hanno diritto di voto, partecipano a riunioni ed assemblee e sono eleggibili alle cariche sociali. La loro qualità di soci effettivi è subordinata all’iscrizione e al pagamento della quota sociale di 20 euro.

- Sostenitori, detti anche “ amici de L’AltraSciacca "free participants and supporters who want to be present at meetings and assemblies, have the right to speak but have no voting power and are therefore not eligible to be officers. Carry out delivery liberal association of at least 50% (10 Euro) compared to the expected annual membership fee for ordinary members. Not be included in the shareholders but if they want, in the year, they can integrate the remaining part of membership dues and become ordinary members.

To learn how to join, click here

Friday, February 6, 2009

Parrot Bluetooth Compatibility Samsung

Anteprima Carnevale di Sciacca 2009

now is shortly to be held at the party (again) February 19 to 24 2009 in the historical center of Sciacca.

Yesterday was published in the official website of the Joint Programme semi-final. The testimonial should be

Natalie Caldonazzo . Meanwhile, with the site

sciacca.blogolandia I finished the first round of preview carnival. To avoid a long and tedious search, I want to sum it all up here (click on individual items):














Ringraziamo tantissimo l' UNIONE CARRISTI , di cui fanno parte tutte le associazioni che realizzano le opere in cartapesta ed il loro presidente Giuseppe Campo, che has accepted the initiative.

Finally I would remind you that you have opened the voting to elect miss facebook Carnival of Sciacca.

thanks, finally goes to you, who follow us and we have repeatedly expressed gratitude for this service, but I wanted to say that the credit goes to the tank drivers for the great job they are doing under his not pleasing!

At the next news!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Community Service Letter Of Completion Templates

Festa patronale del 2 Febbraio 2009

Here are some photos and a video on the Feast of Maria SS del Soccorso di Sciacca patron, which was held last February 2: