Saturday, March 21, 2009

Emachines Recovery Device Not Ready

Continuiamo a sostenere Nino

time ago I asked to vote for Maradona Baby of saccense Nino Sabella , in corsa per il premio del Babelgum Online Film Festival .
Oggi riprendo il post poichè c'è tempo per votare fino al 2 Aprile . Continuiamo a votare!
Per farlo bisogna andare all’indirizzo specifico ( clicca qui ) , visionare il cortometraggio (scaricando il player) e votare. Non costa nulla ed è semplice...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Response Card With Per Person Example

Nasce bloggalo!

Nei giorni scorsi, sono spuntati fuori dei video di strani avvistamenti...lo confesso, ho contribuito anche io a questa divertente iniziativa...eccoli

Sightings of this footprint
hand had been found in other parts of Sicily. Now is the time to unravel the mystery. What is this mysterious Manuzza? Here's the explanation:

Bloggalo born!, Freedom only a click away

In the first week of April will be born Bloggalo! , urban blog network, whose aim is to promote citizen journalism in Sicily, in order to reduce the information gap between the big cities and small towns of the island, thus meeting the growing need of users of the internet to participate directly in the exchange of information and ideas.

Bloggalo! will be a coordinated network of urban and organic blog, based in Palermo. Each site will be managed by a blogger, free to create their own staff, passionate about their city and want to tell it and tell it, to cover its past, present and future. The urban

blog, therefore, will focus on news, politics and objective ultra partes, sports, news, music, fashion, new trends, cultural and artistic events ... and the more you have, and so forth. In short, Bloggalo! aims to become a source of additional information (and not alternative) to traditional media, and each site has its specific characteristics and peculiarities. Not only

post ... but also video and photos. Bloggalo! will, in fact, its own web-tv with schedules defined trend with programs and responsive to the world of the blogosphere, knowing that the future of information and social interaction both on the web.

's Sicilian cities from April will immediately rely on their urban blog: Aragon, Caltabellotta, Caltagirone, Campobello di Licata, Canicattì, Catania, Cattolica Eraclea, Enna, Grammichele, Lampedusa, Lercara Friddi, Messina, Misilmeri, Paceco, Palermo , Pozzallo, Sciacca and Vizzini. The urban blog of Palermo will be the first to open its doors, while during the month of April will start all the others. The network is continually expanding and has the ambitious aim of covering most of the island.

Bloggalo! also open a space for Italians living abroad, with blogs devoted to the various communities around the world (Argentina, United States, Brazil, etc.).. We will give voice to their needs, longings and desires not to lose the bond with their homeland.

The network, created and directed by John Walter and Chiara Chiaramonte Palermo, will be centrally coordinated by a young team, ready to immerse themselves in an extraordinary adventure in full agreement with the Copernican revolution of the ongoing communication, and will use the technological support of Zetasei, a company specializing in the development of Internet projects.


A Sciacca will start the first day of April ... keep an eye on! even at your fingertips! and remember BLOGGALO!

Disadvantages Washington D.c.

Petizione popolare per l'acqua pubblica

The Civic Committee SCIACCA WATER, which have already signed a number of citizens, associations, committees and movements, announced that

Sunday, March 22, 2009 by
ore 9.30 alle ore 13.00
in Piazza Angelo Scandaliato a SCIACCA

inizierà una Petizione popolare in difesa dell’acqua pubblica anche nella nostra città. L’iniziativa è stata avviata, o lo sarà nei prossimi giorni, in numerose cittadine della provincia di Agrigento.

Con questa raccolta firme, i cittadini sottoscrittori:
- esprimono totale adesione e sostegno alle iniziative legali e di lotta portate avanti dai Sindaci agrigentini che si sono opposti alla privatizzazione del servizio idrico ed alle deliberazioni adottate da numerosi Consigli comunali della provincia contro la privatizzazione e per la risoluzione del contratto con il gestore privato.
- Chiedono Bodies powers of water to take any useful initiative to suspend further deliveries of the service and to achieve, within the law and the Convention, the resolution of the Convention which has been entrusted with the management at Girgenti Acque SpA, which has become responsible for very serious management failures.
- They are asking City Council to amend the City Charter, to exclude, pursuant to the Order of Local Authorities, the management of water services from economically significant activities.
- They say the request addressed by regional councils in the province to hold a provincial referendum to consult the electorate on the following question: Do you accept that
entrusted to private management of integrated water services? YES NO
- They call upon national and regional parliamentary Agrigento and Mr. Prefect to represent in the halls of Parliament and the State Government and the Region of the will of the overwhelming majority of citizens and Communities Agrigento keep the public management of water.
- They ask the Chairmen of the House and Senate to begin consideration of bills submitted for the return to public management of water.
- Commit to support the initiative announced a draft law of popular initiative for submission ARS, under the No Lr 1 / 2005, ripubblicizzare for water management and return all functions to local authorities on the subject.

It 'important that Sciacca, at this crucial moment for the fate of our water resources, posters with strength and makes its voice heard in the fight for public water. For this reason we invite all citizens to sign this petition and all those who want to support this initiative, that they are representatives of:

Associations - Political parties or movements
- Religious Communities
- Parishes
- Committees of district
- Public
- Unions

ordinary citizens to join the Civic Committee "SCIACCA WATER."

From day Monday, forms for the collection of signatures will be distributed in all the shops in the parishes in organizations, clubs and associations and will be available for several weeks. on the site will be downloadable in Word format.

To win this battle you need to grow up and have the support of all. For this reason we ask you to join this movement to protect this right of first necessity to sustain human being from which we can not neglect nor can we have a high cost. Membership is free. Send us an email at: or send us a fax or call the number 0925/1956789 366/3138991 expressing your desire or the will of the group that represents to be a part of SCIACCA WATER.
you expect. Expect all Saccensi.
PS Do not forget to authorize us to process data and to publish your name in the Company adhesions

I will join '

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How Fast Do Nipple Piercings Close

Video strano

Watch Operation Repo Movie For Free

Carnevale di Sciacca 2009,il resoconto dettagliato della classifica

After attending the opening ceremony of the envelopes, sent by TRS, we give you all the details of the vote, saying that this year the jury chose to include in envelopes the total votes and not the individual votes of the 13 jurors (which has altered many tank drivers).


1 st place "Without and rebuilt " association "New Island" with 975 votes divided into
- system architecture and scenic: 336
- lights and movements: 200
- Hymn: 119
- group choreography and costume design: 186
- script and allegory: 134

2 ° place "Once upon a time America " association "Fame 2007" with 935 ratings divided into
- architecture and system scenografico: 321
- luci e movimenti: 181
- inno: 149
- gruppo, coreografie e costumi: 168
- copione e allegoria: 116

posto “ O sole mio ” dell’associazione “Nuova Arte 96” con 928 voti suddivisi in
- architettura e impianto scenografico: 273
- luci e movimenti: 171
- inno: 128
- gruppo, coreografie e costumi: 205
- copione e allegoria: 151

posto “ La si fa la storia ” dell’associazione “E Ora Li Femmi Tu” con 869 voti suddivisi in
- architettura e impianto scenografico: 279
- luci e movimenti: 175
- inno: 138
- gruppo, coreografie e costumi: 169
- copione e allegoria: 108

posto “ Scusate il ritardo ” dell’associazione “Carristi Per Caso” con 850 voti suddivisi in
- architettura e impianto scenografico: 260
- luci e movimenti: 158
- inno: 131
- gruppo, coreografie e costumi: 164
- copione e allegoria: 137


posto “ L’ultima spiaggia ” dell’associazione “La Tribù” con 803 voti suddivisi in
- architettura, impianto scenic, lighting and movement: 399
- allegory: 93
- hymn, music and words: 206
- group choreography and costume design: 105

2 ° place "Ah ... Italy " association " Archimedes "with 792 votes divided into
- architecture, spectacular facility, lighting and movement: 367
- allegory: 101
- hymn, music and words: 190
- group choreography and costume design: 134

3 rd place" A different world "of the" fast and loose "with 661 votes divided into
- architecture, spectacular facility, lighting and movements: 316
- allegory: 92
- hymn, music and words: 227
- group choreography and costume design: 26

4 th place "Zero for Conduct " association "Aurora08" with 653 votes divided into
- architecture, plant scenic, lighting and movement: 348
- allegory: 84
- song, music and words: 200
- group choreography and costumes: 5 ° 21

place "Pigs comfortable " of the "The New Mona Lisa" with 582 votes divided into
- architecture, spectacular facility, lighting and movement: 289
- allegory: 82
- song, music and words: 187
- group choreography and costume design: 24

Masks single

1 st place "The pupa carnival" with 360 votes

2 ° place " The star of the moment", " Black Gold" and "From start to finish (vote not submitted)

5 th place" Fa lisciu "with 140 votes

All other individual masks are not classified.

As for masked groups, the jury awarded because no group did not reflect the criteria set forth in the notice.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Percent Iron In Fe2o3

Riepilogo Carnevale di Sciacca 2009

(written for sciacca blogolandia )

A few days after the end of 109ma edition of the Carnival of Sciacca , we want to make a summary of our Carnival Special, which followed the event from during the construction of wagons up to the last drips of burning of Peppe 'Nnappa. A special that gave us much satisfaction and he also had his coronation on the stage in Piazza A. Scandal, as shown by this short video recorded by the issuer's local TRS.

(click qui )

Abbiamo già detto che il tutto è iniziato con l’ anteprima effettuato tra i vari “capannoni”, o meglio garage, in cui sono state realizzate le opere in cartapesta. Per rivedere questa fase ( clicca qui ).

Nel frattempo abbiamo seguito con molto interesse e puntualità ogni sviluppo ed ogni novità riguardante la festa, non tralasciando quello che poi è diventato un evento collaterale del carnevale, Miss Facebook Carnevale di Sciacca 2009 , vinto da Kathrine Blò .

Del suddetto concorso ne abbiamo parlato abbastanza e quindi vi rimandiamo ad uno dei tanti post dedicati all’evento ( clicca qui ).

Nei giorni della festa, nel limite del possibile, abbiamo cercato di rendervi partecipi con foto e video. Eccovi i link:

Reportage 19 Febbraio 2009 ( clicca qui )

Reportage 20 Febbraio 2009 ( clicca qui )

Reportage 21 Febbraio 2009 ( clicca qui )

Diciamo che come foto e video ci siamo fermati qui, ma seguendo il detto “meglio tardi che mai”, eccovi una scorpacciata di materiale inedito:

Reportage 22 Febbraio 2009 (Click here )

Video of the burning of Peppe 'Nnappa (click here )

Report February 26, 2009 by Giuseppe Alongi (click here )

Video summary of the days of the festival (click here )

We also left space for comments on the carnival Joe Prestia , Massimo Raso , Walter Gianni , but also our .
Click here
also , but you know how to see the services aired on Mediaset on holiday, in recent days.

Meanwhile, pending the verdict of the jury, which will be announced within days, and the awards will take place in the museum of the Perriera carnival, Carnival of Sciacca on the group on Facebook there is an area reserved for your predictions. For those interested here's the link: click here

hope that this summary was to your liking, please send us your photos and video at the following address , we will publish them.